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Palette Paint

Paper usually, acrylic, ongoing

Progess shots


I'm getting better at estimating how much paint to put on the palette, but there is still some left over after every painting. There had to be a better use for it than swept up in kitchen roll for the bin. Separately, I had added a rider to my email signature to the effect that it is nice to get and give cards as well as emails from friends. Some friends had told me that they thought the grounds were interesting too (maybe, more than the finished painting!). What if I painted some grounds with the excess paint and use the result as a card?

It is also the case that this is wonderfully freeing, as you can do anything. I have had some very nice thank yous from friends, who've received one from me. And I've also received cards back, which is lovely!

And I've discovered that, cut to size, they make very nice book marks too!

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