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I love sounds and my voice recorder app on my phone comes in very handy. I often record birdsong, but also wind through the branches of a tree or the sound of a stream, flowing over stones; anything, which might form part of a film soundtrack. And I also love to sing snatches of song, when I tell stories. You will find examples of these on Soundcloud below. You catch these songs in the same way you do stories. Some say my greatest achievement is having a sound recording played on BBC radio 3's Breakfast programme. Saturday Sounds, the recording catches me and my partner walking over squelchy leaves along a straight but narrow footpath .And I would have to agree with them!


I'm also in a band, so-called 'The Band with No Name'. We aim to practise in a kitchen once a week, just three friends. I'm the bass guitarist. And it's a pleasure to sing parts or in harmony with other friends too.

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