Bernie Kennedy
I've always thought I couldn't draw. And I've always wanted to have a go. Not to prove anybody wrong. Who else cares if I can draw or not? Being able to describe something or, even better someone, in a drawing is akin to writing, I feel. Everything I did, however, looked 'unworthy, 'childish'...not what it looked like to my eye. The mug on the linked, wrought iron table below is an example of this. I did it about a year ago, because I had a sketch book on me and an 'Oh, how hard can it be?' attitude. Nonetheless, I was pleased with the result. Though it is probably not 'Art', it is my art! And that's what matters to me. It's great when nice things are said or written, but I only ever want to draw for one other person and for me. And I may never know who that other person is...
During this year of lockdown, I was challenged to take a drawing quarantine challenge over 30 days. 'This could be a good way to learn', I thought. and it was. What left me, above all, was my fear. Seeing others posting every day, thinking mine's not so bad, and getting better, being more adventurous. Keep going, keep trying! And, at the end, the tutor, setting the challenge, liked one of my drawings. That was thrilling!