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Who doesn't like taking photographs? There are relatively few photographs of me and my sisters growing up. We rarely had a camera. Later, I joined the Sixth Form photographic club, where we took and developed our snaps in a proper dark room with red light, chemicals and all. When I went to college, I got a little kodak camera wih a cartridge to take on holiday and study visits. The same one, forgetting it was in my pocket, I took inside the Lenin Mausoleum in December 1979. 'What's that?, gestured the guard. 'Kneega', the Russian for book, I spluttered blankly. He nodded me through.The 'book' stayed in my pocket!


My interest in photography took off when I got a smart phone, particlularlly to illustrate my blogposts. The quality for me was good enough. Now, coming to painting, I find a photograph brings to mind what I saw on the day. I use this to start me off painting. But something happens during the process. I'm not trying to make an exact copy. There is life in the painting of its own as there is beauty or something else in the photograph. It's that something else that I first noticed with my eye that leads to the photograph that leads to the painting.


I have a digital camera as well now, but still feel comfortable with my trusty phone, while also being intrigued and excited by the possiblilities, offered by the camera.


Bernie Kennedy

©2024 Bernie Kennedy

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